Monday 28 December 2015

Why Private School Is a Better Educational Alternative

In today’s educational landscape, there is an increasing need for schools to become competitive and take on a more aggressive curriculum. Over the past twenty years, the educational system has undergone a mass overhaul with the integration of computerized learning and increased mandatory testing. Along with these advances has also come increased accountability among educators and administrators, making it harder to find and retain qualified assistance in education. Today’s public schools are faced with the demand of offering quality education with larger class sizes and fewer resources.

Options for Parents

It is for this reason that many parents look to alternative means of educating their children. Some choose to hire tutors while others choose to home school their children. Yet another alternative that parents pursue is enrolling their children in a private school. A private school can offer many educational advantages.

Private School Advantages

First of all, private schools offer an enhanced curriculum. While private schools are still obligated to teach the same basic curriculum as a public school, many times private schools augment the learning that is required by the state and the county with more stringent requirements. Oftentimes, private school students graduate from high school with higher GPAs and are often more equipped to enter and complete college courses.

In addition, private schools often offer smaller class sizes, allowing children to have more personalized instruction. Several educational studies have shown that the smaller a student-teacher ratio, the higher students’ scholastic achievement. Smaller class sizes allow students to get more individualized attention, thereby allowing them to perform better.

Finally, private schools generally have more qualified educators. As a private institution, these schools can be more discriminating in the types of staff that they choose to hire.  Many times, the staff members and teachers are closely affiliated with the organization that sponsors the school. In addition, for these schools, the staff is trained in a curriculum specific to that organization. For example, many Catholic private schools are comprised of staff that are members of the Catholic community, whether it means being a member of the Catholic Church or the local parish, and Catholic catechism is taught as part of the curriculum.

 Again, for those parents willing to explore other educational venues, private school may be a viable option. For more reasons to look into a private school, visit this site for private learning in Sunnyvale.

Say Yes to the Uniform

School uniforms are often associated with dull, drab colors and homogeneity and the ideal that everyone should look like everyone else. But it is possible to incorporate a little bit of your personal flair into a school uniform, especially if the school isn’t strict about shoe or sock style or color.

More Attention for Your Middle School Student

In today’s educational environment, students need all the advantages they can get to succeed in the workforce. Rather than begin honing skills in high school, many experts suggest the middle school years are the most formative.

Many middle school students benefit from more individualized attention. Smaller class sizes often provide this individualized attention.In fact, several educational studies have shown that students who have smaller class sizes fair better in an academic environment. However, with the overcrowding of schools and the teacher shortage, many schools systems are unable to provide these students with the attention they so richly deserve.

For this reason, parents often consider other alternatives to enhance their children’s education. Although other options are available, such as charter schools or private tutoring, parents may wish to consider enrolling their middle school student in a private institution. Private schools can often provide the following:

•    Alower student to teacher ratio, allowing for more individualized instruction
•    Extended hours and additional instruction for children outside of regular school hours.
•    Enhancedcurriculum on top of state requirements.

All parents want the best possible education for their child. For more information on how to get a smaller class for your middle schooler, visit this private middle school in Sunnyvale.

The New 'Star Wars' Character Maz Kanata Is Based on a Teacher

Have you felt it? Not only has the Force awoken, it's knocked back a few espressos and power-lifted an Imperial cruiser... read more

Thursday 24 December 2015

Morning Childcare For Parental Lifesavers

As a parent, you do not have to be reminded of how hectic and full your days can be, especially when juggling childcare with your own job. For that reason, you may want to consider the following benefits of morning childcare for working parents raising busy children.

Early Morning Drop-Offs

One of the greatest benefits of morning childcare is the opportunity it provides for you to drop your child off before beginning your workday. Many early childhood care and education centers are open well before the start of your day. Even if you do not work a full time job, morning childcare allows you to attend events, complete your grocery shopping or just take some time to yourself.

Establishing Healthy Routines

Morning childcare also helps your child become familiar and used to routine separation from you and your spouse. While drop-off time can be emotional for both you and your child, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
•    Keep the goodbyes short and sweet.
•    Let your child take a small animal or blanket to comfort them.
•    Remind them of the fun activities they will participate in.

While placing your child in a morning care program may be a difficult transition for you and your little, keep in mind the benefits for both of you. To learn more about morning childcare in Morrisville, visit this website.

Fledgling Curiosity

If you have preschool aged children, you understand the excitement and curiosity in your child’s eyes when exploring new places and activities. That is why preschool is essential for fulfilling their journey through the world. 

National Graduation Rate Increases to All-Time High of 82 Percent

“I’m always looking at the pace of change. You have some states where the pace of change is accelerating, and you have a handful of states where graduation rates… read more